Every now and then, Linux users get outraged because Dell prices the base model of Ubuntu cheaper than the base model of Windows, but when you match the specs of the two computers, Windows ends up being cheaper. This happened for the Dell Mini 9s when they first came out, for example. What I’ve noticed… Continue reading Inspiron 15n: Dell finally properly prices its Ubuntu option
Category: Ubuntu
What I’d love to see in Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)
I have to say I’m very impressed with Ubuntu’s latest 9.04 release (Jaunty Jackalope). I’ve used every single release of Ubuntu since 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog), and Jaunty is by far the best and most polished release. And a couple of the usability bugs I pointed out two years ago have since been fixed (restore from… Continue reading What I’d love to see in Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)
Jaunty released today, Psychocats tutorials will be updated… soon
The new release of Ubuntu Linux, which is 9.04, nicknamed Jaunty Jackalope came out today officially. I am slowly working on updating my tutorials to reflect any changes. Please be patient. It may take me a few weeks to catch up. I don’t think there are too many major changes from 8.10 or 8.04, though.… Continue reading Jaunty released today, Psychocats tutorials will be updated… soon
Windows and Linux on netbooks… what stays on?
Right now, there’s a lot of debate among computing enthusiasts about whether Microsoft’s claim of 96% sales on netbooks is true… or meaningful. I tend to believe the percentages, but I don’t think it means what Microsoft seems to imply it means (“We’re better. People prefer us”). I do believe Windows users would rather stick… Continue reading Windows and Linux on netbooks… what stays on?
Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) Beta First Impressions
As far as I can tell, jackalopes aren’t even real animals. I still remember the first time I got a jackalope postcard over ten years ago. Well, the Ubuntu folks have decided to name the next Ubuntu Linux release Jaunty Jackalope. I’ve used every single Ubuntu release since its second one (Hoary Hedgehog). That would… Continue reading Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) Beta First Impressions
Should Linux users hush up about Microsoft?
Someone linked to Good Linux Users Don’t Talk About Microsoft on the Ubuntu Forums. I started to type up a reply, and then it got so long that I figured it was more of a blog entry than a forum post. Besides, who wants to hear about our broken toilet flush, anyway? Okay, let’s see.… Continue reading Should Linux users hush up about Microsoft?
Tech “journalism” – smacks forehead
Just spotted this “article” on ZDNet called Ubuntu allies with Amazon and Dell. It opens The next Ubuntu release, dubbed Karmic Koala (k is the 10th letter of the alphabet and this is officially release 9.10) is drawing attention for its support for clouds and its improved desktop. [Emphasis added] And apparently Dana Blankenhorn has… Continue reading Tech “journalism” – smacks forehead
The antivirus paranoia culture
Recently, I’ve spent some time looking at the computer section of Yahoo! Answers, and it’s a fascinating place from a sociological perspective. If the questions and answers popular there are indicative of what common attitudes and practices are among Windows and Mac users, then this is how a typical user operates: Install free antivirus software… Continue reading The antivirus paranoia culture
The woman who dropped out of MATC after mistakenly buying a Ubuntu laptop from Dell
I know I’m probably the millionth person to comment on this (is millionth even a word?), but I have only two things to say. 1. To the anti-Linux folks and tech “journalists” who blame this on Linux not being “friendly” enough for new users or being for only those who want to tinker with their… Continue reading The woman who dropped out of MATC after mistakenly buying a Ubuntu laptop from Dell
Linux is a Windows operating system? HP…?
I’ve been fascinated by HP’s line of netbooks ever since I saw the phrase “92% keyboard,” but the reviews of the HP Mini-Note have been mixed, and the most recent reviews of the HP Mini MI indicate they’ve based it on Ubuntu but disabled the terminal. There’s probably a way to re-activate the terminal. Still,… Continue reading Linux is a Windows operating system? HP…?