If you’ve seen any American sitcoms featuring het couples in the past ten years or so, you’ll probably have noticed that it’s common for the show to portray the husbands as a stupid but endearing oaf who likes beer, barbecues, watching TV, hanging with the guys, and ogling women; and the wife as a smart,… Continue reading Stupid husbands and smart wives on TV
Tag: television
Privacy on a reality TV show?
Last week, I got into TLC’s Jon and Kate Plus 8 about the Christian couple from Pennsylvania that has twins and sextuplets. I just found this amusing. From the “Jon & Kate Family Movie Night” episode, they’re hanging up new blinds and Kate says, “When I want privacy, I want to be able to pull… Continue reading Privacy on a reality TV show?
In Praise of Captions
Maybe chalk it up to how, when I was a kid, my mom used to walk up to me as I was watching TV and just start asking me things (at which point, I would miss whatever was being said on TV, because I was hearing my mother instead), but I’ve really grown to love… Continue reading In Praise of Captions
TV Censorship Sucks
You know when a movie or TV show is uncensored and makes sense, and then gets re-released for network TV and is censored and makes no sense? My wife is a fan of the movie The Wedding Date, and she got really excited when it aired on TV. So we DVR’ed it (off TBS, I… Continue reading TV Censorship Sucks