Category: Web Browsers
Safari 4 has almost caught up to other browsers
When I read the features in the new Safari 4 beta, I got really excited. My wife uses Safari on her Mac because when she first started using OS X, Firefox and Camino weren’t very stable (the user profiles kept getting corrupt). Now Firefox is much better, and she uses it at work for the… Continue reading Safari 4 has almost caught up to other browsers
Bookmark Organization in Browsers
The other day I was talking with a Windows-using friend. She’s using an old laptop of ours, as her newer laptop is having various hardware and software issues. I noticed she was using Chrome, and I asked her how she liked it. She liked it for the most part, except she didn’t like how Google… Continue reading Bookmark Organization in Browsers
Online communities can be good things
I’ve been a Ubuntu Forums member for well over three years now. I am also now a moderator of the forums. For a while now, I think my wife has considered me a bit of a weirdo, as I’m constantly writing support to and getting support from all these people I’ve never met and probably… Continue reading Online communities can be good things
Already switching back to Firefox from Google Chrome
When Google Chrome hit the scene a little while ago, I was excited. Scott McCloud’s online comic book (although confusing at times) was a good sell on Chrome’s features, and I particularly liked the way it handles each tab as a separate process. Immediately, on my computer at work, I installed Chrome and started using… Continue reading Already switching back to Firefox from Google Chrome
I can’t say I’m a fan of this new keyboard shortcut in Firefox
You’re not going to convince me not to use Firefox. I’m allowed to rant about it without people trying to push other browsers on me. I’ve already tried Opera, Konqueror, Epiphany, Galeon, Dillo, Lynx, and Ka… Kaha… whatever that other browser is. Sigh. That stupid new Control-Q keyboard shortcut, though. Control-W (close tab) is a… Continue reading I can’t say I’m a fan of this new keyboard shortcut in Firefox
Giving OpenDNS a try
With stories in the tech news about a recently discovered DNS flaw that allows malicious parties to redirect even properly-typed-in URLs to spoof sites’ IP addresses, I got curious about this OpenDNS I keep hearing about. Supposedly it’s faster and also blocks phishing sites, has patched the DNS flaw, has 100% uptime, and allows configuration… Continue reading Giving OpenDNS a try
Firefox 3 Download Day: Good Publicity Stunt
Unless you keep up with tech news, you may have missed it, but this past Tuesday was “download day,” in which Mozilla was hoping to set a world record for downloads by encouraging its users to download Firefox 3 on its release day. I don’t think there was actually a previously held world record, and… Continue reading Firefox 3 Download Day: Good Publicity Stunt
Why is Firefox in Windows better than Firefox in Linux?
I like Firefox. I use it at work. I use it at home. I get annoyed when I have to use other people’s computers and they don’t have Firefox installed. I have to say, though, as a three-year Linux user, that Firefox on Linux sucks, and that there’s absolutely no good reason for this suckage.… Continue reading Why is Firefox in Windows better than Firefox in Linux?
My online alter ego
Most people who know me in person (what some people refer to as “in real life”) don’t know that I have an online alter ego. Participating in a social networking site like Facebook does not mean you have an online alter ego (unless the people you are “friends” with are people you’ve never met in… Continue reading My online alter ego