So my last MP3 player (the much-lauded but ultimately disappointing Cowon iAudio 7) died because of a manufacturer error (even though Cowon claimed the repair was not under warranty). This time, I killed my MP3 player (my 2 GB Sansa Clip) with my own stupidity. The long story I love Ubuntu, and I keep coming… Continue reading How my own stupidity killed my Sansa Clip
Tag: sansa clip
Goodbye, Cowon; Hello again, Sandisk
My Cowon iAudio 7 crapped out on me after three months. I’m extremely disappointed, since both “official” (CNET and the like) and user reviews for it appear to all be positive. Well, I’m sorry to say that my experience is not. So either I happened to have the fluke lemon unit, or other people are… Continue reading Goodbye, Cowon; Hello again, Sandisk