Tag: root
Rooting the Nook Simple Touch
TouchNooter The Nook Simple Touch is an excellent e-reader, and I like that Barnes and Noble keeps it that way. The e-ink screen and simple form factor make it perfect for reading books. That said, just for curiosity’s sake, I dove in and rooted the thing. TouchNooter is an amazing script that automates the rooting… Continue reading Rooting the Nook Simple Touch
Make a “browse as root” launcher in Ubuntu
Like Mac OS X, Ubuntu includes by default a privilege escalation system that invokes sudo, which allows certain users (in the admin group) to operate as limited-privileged users for almost all tasks and to temporarily escalate (after a password authentication) to administrative privileges for specific tasks. For more details about sudo, check out the Ubuntu… Continue reading Make a “browse as root” launcher in Ubuntu
How to use Konqueror or Kate as sudo in Kubuntu KDE 4 Remix
As I hope I’ve made apparent in these two links below, the proper way to launch a file browser as root in KDE is kdesu konqueror: www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/permissions www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo Unfortunately, in the KDE 4 version of Kubuntu 8.04, if you try to launch Konqueror (the file browser) or Kate (the text editor) with root (or administrative)… Continue reading How to use Konqueror or Kate as sudo in Kubuntu KDE 4 Remix