Satisfy your curiosity the right way

In a previous entry, I ranted about people asking where I’m “really” from.

Well, a few days ago, I had the good fortune to come across a white person who asked me (without my prompting her) how one is supposed to ask the question. I was actually taken off guard and didn’t have a ready response. I often get so annoyed at people asking “Where are you really from?” that I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about what they should be asking.

I thought about it for a while and came up with “What’s your background?” or “What’s your ethnicity?” I guess probably putting the two together might make sense: “What is your ethnic background?” So there you have it. If you want to know what someone’s ethnic background is—surprise, surprise—ask her what her ethnic background is. Don’t ask where she’s “really” from.


  1. Well, yes OK. But do you really have to be that picky about the exact words a person might choose to frame an innocent enquiry about your ethnic/cultural roots? Let’s celebrate the wonderful diversity of humanity! Let a hundred flowers bloom!

  2. I can understand this being annoying and somehow patronising. Come to the UK. I am a white, born and bred UK cit living in a City called Leicester which is right in the middle. Yet I am an ethnic minority. Not a problem, but no-one one enquires after each others ethnicity or nationality its no longer a novelty.

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