Musings on Making a Difference

A few Sundays ago, the pastor at our church gave a sermon about making a difference, examining how there are basically two approaches—institutional and personal. Institutional change seeks to change how society and laws are structured so that it affects the greatest number of individuals. Personal change is what he called the “grunt work” of… Continue reading Musings on Making a Difference

Progress isn’t Relative

Two things baffle me about politics and religion, from what I’ve seen: 1. that political progessives tend to be moral relativists and 2. that moral absolutists tend to be political conservatives. In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis makes a fairly convincing case for moral absolutism tempered with relativism. The idea is that any time someone gets… Continue reading Progress isn’t Relative

The Power of Prayer

I’m only a little bothered by atheists or agnostics who say when they were young they used to believe in God, prayed to him for something, didn’t get it, and then didn’t believe in him any more. What bothers me more are the atheists and agnostics who claim that prayer does nothing—that God does not… Continue reading The Power of Prayer

The Pledge Under God

Okay. I’m confused. Why is there all of a sudden a “new” controversy over the phrase under God being in the Pledge? Wasn’t this a news story about a year or two ago? Then, it just disappeared. Now, it’s resurfaced again for no apparent reason. Anyone know? Well, I just think the whole thing’s stupid.… Continue reading The Pledge Under God

Why I’m a Pro-Choice Christian

My first exposure to talks about abortion came from the conservative Chinese church I attended growing up. The youth minister, the head pastor, almost all of the adults, and almost all of the children espoused the same approach: no tolerance—abortion is wrong; it's murder; it should be illegal; and the only possible excuse for it… Continue reading Why I’m a Pro-Choice Christian